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Discussion in 'Dragonknights' started by Spyke00, Dec 26, 2013.

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  1. Shichisei

    Shichisei Forum Greenhorn

    Currently im aming for an Axe with 2lines WD 1 dmg line and an critdmg line.
    that would allow me to get an amulet with 4 lines HP and still keep my 200% krit dmg.
    But thats just personal prefereces i guess.
  2. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    In a 1H build, you can get away with having a single speed line on an axe, but any more and you are wasting stats that would be better off damage related. The rest should come from gems and maybe gloves. In a 2H build, attack speed is the least important offensive stat, but it it's still important. I'd get as much as possible from gems and a little from attack speed (unless you are making a beserker build with as much DPS as possible.

    Crit damage:
    No matter what kind of build, crit damage on a weapon is never a good thing. You want to balance crit and crit damage from your various other sources, like rings, amulets, belts, weapon decorations, and unique items/sets. However, if you are looking at building an end game DK, you will likely want to avoid building crit damage rings and use 2x Bloodtooth rings to augment your crit very nicely. Because they offer 25% each, each of my Bloodtooths gives me over 1100 cri, on top of the nearly 1000 HP.
    thebearreturns likes this.
  3. thebearreturns

    thebearreturns Exceptional Talent

    those are the toys i have to choose for 1h ... no axes :(

    gun, Mario_Boss and _Baragain_ like this.
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I like the Warlord one. If it was those stats on an axe, I'd be one happy DK.
  5. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    That warlord sword is still miles better than any 1H I have. You should use it for now. If it was mine, I would open 2 more slots and use it as my main ruby/sapphire holder and also use it as my 1H alt for flagrunning in 5v5.
  6. thebearreturns

    thebearreturns Exceptional Talent

    Better than lifekeeper for flagrunning?...
    I upgraded recently my main 2h rubíes (finally 3 royal and 2 sacred)... so no rubies left to use in the 1h at the moment. I checked that sword in event... i get 5k critical hits by using smash, while 4k with the cloacked wrath
  7. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    I don't use lifekeeper as I don't have it. And I prefer balanced pvp versus pure flagrunning build - but I guess I would use lifekeeper if I was to do pure flagrunning.

    Main problem with lifekeeper, in my mind, is no way to get points if your team is not good enough to make sure you get the flags. A balanced pvp build can get points without getting the flags, and can get a lot of points by getting both flags and damage.
    thebearreturns likes this.
  8. thebearreturns

    thebearreturns Exceptional Talent

    Mmmm good point
  9. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Also, there is nothing stopping you from having both Lifekeeper and your real weapon and just use Lifekeeper as a gem holder. When you are going for a flag carry, you put on Lifekeeper, but when it is time to kill some people, you put on the sword.
    thebearreturns likes this.
  10. Rima01

    Rima01 Forum Greenhorn

    You have three or four line armor in torso ?
  11. monder888

    monder888 Someday Author

    3x armor and 1x hp.
  12. krislee

    krislee Forum Apprentice
    i got some problems with my internet connection as of late, so i thought i might as well just post a screen of my 1hand build.

    in pvp i get an additional +25% dmg boost so the damage is around 1800 max.
    the only thing im annoyed about is the fact that i just cant boost my crit. well, i can, but that will result in a crit dmg loss, which im not very fond of. Furtermore i just cant seem to drop that stupid heredur helmet, i have 1 helmet level 2, but not even the lvl 1 drops seem to favour me.

    i know, these stats are quite weak for a marshall, but i tend to play with 2hand most of the time so yeah :p
  13. AniDrakenSniper93

    AniDrakenSniper93 Someday Author

    drop heredur shield and use shield of wolf slayer, and forget CD, it is not very important while using a dmg type 1h build.. just get CD from gems and make crit 60% plus (with tier 2 heredur helm , its good enough I think).
  14. krislee

    krislee Forum Apprentice

    heredur helmet tier 2 is out of the question for me, the only reason why i would use heredur set is because of the bonuses. and i dont have shield of the wolf slayer because it is too boring to farm and with heredur shield i can go up to 80% block as well. crit dmg does not come from gems, i only have 5 5% crit dmg gems so thats only 25%.
  15. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Really? Wolf event is now my favorite, with all the gem and unique drops.
    Morinphen likes this.
  16. krislee

    krislee Forum Apprentice

    the uniques are really not that good in my opinion. yes, some might say the wolfslayer shield tier 3 is very powerful, but i beg to differ. i believe that heredur shield with heredur helmet is the best option, but thats just because it suits my playing style.
    theres just not much of a thrill in wolf event, but then again there is no thrill in any of the new events bigpoint has come up with. i just dont feel like my efforts are being rewarded. the only thing i get from killing vargulf in fatal (which is quite a difficult thing) is some stupid shield tier 1. its just not rewarding at all. but, as i said before, so are all the events nowerdays, boring, unrewarding and just a complete waste of time.
    sorry i got a bit off track there :p
  17. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    If used together with an axe, their synergy is awesome, but if you are unlucky with the Heredur set (like most people), the Wolfslayer shield is unquestionably the best alternative for 1H DKs... after all, it is hard to beat an item that has the equivalent of 6.5 perfect lines worth of stats (1.65 block strength is about 2.5, 65% block rate is 1, and 720 crit is about 3 perfect crit lines). Also, it is way easier to get than the Heredur's shield. I already have a strong T2 shield and 2x T1 Shields after only doing 1.5 full moon events. Someone can get that shield in as little as 4-6 months with a little effort, or 2-3 months if they farm like a maniac. On the other hand, a DK could farm for the Heredur set for nearly a year and not have it.
    thebearreturns and Novadude like this.
  18. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    My tier 2 is 62.77% BR, 1.58 BS, and +682 crit hit value - values are going off memory - that would be 6.13 perfect legendary lines to a DK. Combined with warlord set, it gives me over 74% block rate and over 76% block strength. As for heredurs, I have had no luck.

    It also makes for a decent switch in my 5v5 matches - I mostly go in 2H mode and only need to switch to 1H + wolf slayer shield for flagrunning. I do not need to make any other changes as I already take behemoth off and go 25 points in both damage and hp as the extra damage from behemoth is overkill given how little hp most players are going with.
    thebearreturns and _Baragain_ like this.
  19. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    That is 713/249+1.51/0.65+64.41/65=2.863+2.323+0.991=6.18 perfect lines from legendary items... On a T2 item. :D
  20. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    You're not wrong... though Full Moon is extremely well-done (as compared to New Moon, for example), the rewards are lesser than the same event I just used for comparison. Then again, that event is not as fun and much more grindy. You can't have 'em all, eh?
    And even though one could say you can go to Q3 anytime, while not the same goes for Vargulf, it's still a matter of luck... which we all know is the biggest harlot of them all xD. Damn you, PRNG gods! Damn you!