Balor?? OP???

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by thuglifederp, Aug 20, 2016.

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  1. thuglifederp

    thuglifederp Active Author

    So im lvl 47 finaly opened the portal to Yolotl, its me and my friend as usualy we both hit him using red essences but his hp wont drop?? did we missed soemthing? or is balor op the end game boss and has to be done by a full strng party ???
  2. Wllf

    Wllf Advanced

    The second one. He is currently the second hardest boss behind Tier III Khaly, but his health doesn't scale. So there is no advantage to doing it solo. :)
  3. thuglifederp

    thuglifederp Active Author

    we jsut went as full party and half way thru his hp 2 of them left and one of them was the tank...

    I was thinking that i could farm this boss to lvl up to 50 but i guess im wrong.
    i cant even farm the boss from Agathpn Alliance Hall since u need to kill like 1,3k mobs to have 3 attempts at the boss....
    its gonna take some time to hit lvl 50 now...
  4. Beldak

    Beldak Regular

    I still didn't found a full group that stayed as a group in balor (haven't manage to kill it yet :D).
    People leave the group or groups are not created for it. I tried to create groups, but could only find 1-2 more people :(
  5. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    You need two things to do Balor. A strong and talented tank and a team with some serious DPS to do the killing. Take away either of those and everyone will be dying left and rihgt, or it will take to long. I wouldn't even wory about doing him until you are LVL 50 since many LVL 50s won't even consider letting a LVL 47 into a Balor run due to the difficulty.
  6. gun

    gun Forum Great Master

    Most of our guild members already lvl 50 for about 5 months(more than 15 players). But only 2 of us managed to kill Balor and that with help from strong players outside the guild.
    From time to time we group and try Balor. If the process takes to long and some of us die too often.. we just bail, because it would just waste of resources.
    We will kill him someday. Just need to patience and grow stronger.
  7. thuglifederp

    thuglifederp Active Author

    I apreciate your answers guys but I dont want ya to get me wrong.
    Im glad Balor is strong because me and my friend got to a point where " ok we're now lvl 44 close to 45 there has the be a boss somewhere" we found destructor we got him down in the first try easy.
    Then we got into the new maps we found the boss in Agathon's Alliance hall we got her down easy too to bad you have to kill alot of mobs to get the acces there.
    Then we found balor and we were glad that he beat us and with a full party that gaved us reasons to keep going.
    Bcz we have a quest at lvl 47 to kill balor we thought we done something wrong bcz we couldnt kill him.
  8. Beldak

    Beldak Regular

    Agreed! Balor should be very hard to do, they should bring more bosses like him.
  9. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Players with lower level than 50 have no business in Yolotl.
    It is a engame boss map and it is a place only for strong players.
    VukChe likes this.
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